Security Alert:Suspicious Login Attempts Noticed von Navy Federal ([email protected])

Am Dienstag, den 15. November 2016 wurde durch unbekannte Dritte die folgende E-Mail in englischer Sprache versendet:


Betreff: Security Alert:Suspicious Login Attempts Noticed
Absender: Navy Federal ([email protected])

Convenient Family Banking
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Navy Federal Credit Union

Navy Federal Security Zone
Email for Member

Suspicious Sign In Attempts

Dear Member,
As of today the 11/13/2016, a temporary hold has been placed on your account affecting your debit card due to unusual log-in attempts.

Please log-in and enter your account details to re-activate your account with us on our secured link below.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.we value your membership

Re-activate Now

Achtung: Es handelt sich um eine Phishing-Mail, also eine betrügerische E-Mail! Die Nachricht stammt nicht von der Navy Federal!

Die Navy Federal hat eine Informationsseite zum Thema „Phishing“ bzw. „Scam“. Senden Sie solche Phishing-Mails an [email protected]

Weder die verlinkte Domain, noch die weitergeleitete Domain gehören zur Navy Federal. Klicken Sie nicht auf den Link und geben Sie keine Daten ein!

Ein Bild der Navy Federal – Seite fordert zu Eingabe der Zugangsdaten auf. Da alle Daten an unbekannte Dritte übermittelt werden, sollten Sie hier keine Daten eingeben!


Credit Union

Account Access Sign In
Access Number


Nach dem Login sollen angeblich Sicherheitsfragen ausgewählt und die dazu passenden Antworten eingegeben werden. Folgen Sie nicht der Aufforderung! Mit Hilfe der Sicherheitsfragen ist es unbekannten Dritten unter Umständen möglich, Ihre Zugänge bei unterschiedlichen Anbietern zu übernehmen!


Credit Union

Verify Challenge Questions

Challenge Question 1 Please Select a Question
Challenge Question 2 Please Select a Question
Challenge Question 3 Please Select a Question
Challenge Question 4 Please Select a Question
Challenge Question 5 Please Select a Question
Challenge Question 6 Please Select a Question


Die zur Auswahl stehenden Fragen sind unterschiedlich (teilweise auch doppelt, aber in einer anderen Reihenfolge):


Frage 1

What is the last name of your first boyfriend or girlfriend?
What was your favorite college year?
What is your nickname?
What is your oldest sibling´s nickname?
Who is your favorite person from history?
What is your grandmother´s middle name (your mother´s mother)?
What is the first name of your eldest nephew/niece?
In which city was your grandfather born (father´s father)?
In which city was your mother born?
What is the first name of your closest childhood friend?

Frage 2

What is the name of the hospital your oldest child was born in?
What is your youngest child’s middle name?
What is the first name of the eldest of your siblings?
What is the first name of the youngest of your siblings?
What is the name of the hospital in which you were born?
What was the name of your first roommate during college?
What is your eldest child´s middle name?
What is the middle name of your eldest sibling?
Which sports team did you like most as a child?
When is your parents´ wedding anniversary (MM/DD)?
Which was the first foreign country you visited?

Frage 3

What is the first name of the person you went to your prom with?
What was your high school mascot?
What was your boss´s first name at your first job?
What is the street name where you lived when you were 10 years old?
What is your favorite fictional character?
In which city was your grandmother born (father´s mother)?
What is the first name of your grandmother (your mother´s mother)?
How old was your father when you were born?
What is your youngest sibling´s nickname?
Which state did you first visit (outside the one you were born in)?

Frage 4

What is the first name of your mother´s youngest sibling?
What is the first name of your father´s youngest sibling?
What is your youngest child´s middle name?
In which city were you born?
In which city did your parents get married?
What is the first name of your grandfather (your mother´s father)?
What is your grandfather´s profession?
What is the middle name of your youngest sibling?
What is your grandfather´s middle name (your mother´s father)?
What is the first name of your grandmother (your father´s mother)?

Frage 5

What was the last name of your first grade teacher?
In which city was your father born?
What was the first name of your man/maid of honor?
What is your grandmother´s middle name (your father´s mother)?
What is the first name of your grandfather (your father´s father)?
In which city was your grandfather born (mother´s father)?
In which city was your grandmother born (mother´s mother)?
What is your youngest child´s nickname?
What is your grandfather´s middle name (your father´s father)?

Frage 6

Who is your favorite person from history?
What was the last name of your first grade teacher?
In which city was your father born?
In which city was your mother born?
What was the name of your first roommate during college?
What is your youngest child´s nickname?
Which was the first foreign country you visited?
What was your high school mascot?
What is the street name where you lived when you were 10 years old?
In which city were you born?


Nachdem Sie die Seite abgesendet haben, werden Sie auf die echte Seite der Navy Federal weitergeleitet. Ihre Eingaben wurden aber an unbekannte Dritte gesendet, die damit Missbrauch betreiben können!




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