Last Payment Notice ID # 46064205

Am Mittwoch, den 09. März 2016 wurde durch unbekannte Dritte die folgende E-Mail in englischer Sprache versendet:


Dear Customer,

We are obliged to remind you that you have money debt before our company for the ordered items with total price of $546,64 .
Your order #46064205/15 went for processing on the 08th of December 2015.

That same month we have received two transfers from your account $546,64 each. We have immediately shipped your order. But the last payment did not come up until now.
We have been calling and mailing you with this issue three times already.

So this one will be your last chance to pay off the debt. The deadline is settled for the March 31st 2016.
Otherwise, we will have to bring law enforcement structures to the consideration of the conflict.

Looking forward to your assistance.

Financial Department Manager
Rupert pering
587 Monroe St
Jacksonville, FL 80242


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