You are being accused with bodily injury (Case: 59955991)

Am Dienstag, den 22. März 2016 wurde durch unbekannte Dritte die folgende E-Mail in englischer Sprache versendet:



You are being charged with articles 309 to 312 of the Criminal Code. The amounts indicated for committing a crime in this section is ranging from $5,000 to $12,000.

The plaintiff also claims a moral damage compensation amounting to $6389

Please, find more information on the case (ID: 59955991) in report enclosed.


Die E-Mail stammt von unterschiedlichen Absendern. Der E-Mail ist eine .zip – Datei beigefügt, wie z. B.



Das ZIP – Archiv enthält ein JavaScript wie z. B.

  • check_eqlBuH.js
  • details_DqzzOj.js
  • finance_cloRlw.js
  • letter_Dukswp.js
  • report_jGQUzg.js


Von unterschiedlichen Domains wird eine .exe – Datei nachgeladen. Virustotal zeigt eine Erkennungsrate von 6/57. Es handelt sich um den Verschlüsselungs- und Erpressungstrojaner TeslaCrypt in der neuen Version 4.0 (die Dateinamen werden nicht mehr um das .mp3 ergänzt).

In vielen Fällen versucht das Script aber den Trojaner von zu laden, wie z. B.


Dies ist natürlich nicht möglich und das System bleibt daher in solchen Fällen verschont. Darauf sollte man sich aber nicht verlassen, denn von welcher URL die Datei geladen wird, ist dem JavaScript äußerlich nicht anzusehen.


Sofern die Dateien des Computers verschlüsselt worden sind, wird eine entsprechende Meldung angezeigt:




What’s the matter with your files?

Your data was secured using a strong encryption with RSA4096.
Use the link down below to find additional information on the encryption keys using RSA4096:

What exactly that means?

It means that on a structural level your files have been transformed. You won’t be able to use, read, see or work with them anymore.
In other words they are useless, however, there is a possibility to restore them with our help.

What exactly happened to your files?

*** Two personal RSA4096 keys were generated for your PC/Laptop; one key is public, another key is private.
*** All your data and files were encrypted by the means of the public key, which you received over the web.
*** In order to decrypt your data and gain access to your computer you need a private key and a decryption software, which can be found on one of our secret servers.

What should you do next?

There are several options for you to consider:
1. You can wait for a while until the price of a private key will raise, so you will have to pay twice as much to access your files or
2. You can start getting BitCoins right now and get access to your data quite fast.
In case you have valuable files, we advise you to act fast as there is no other option rather than paying in order to get back your data.

In order to obtain specific instructions, please access your personal homepage by choosing one of the few addresses down below:
http:// vewrb.italisumo[.]at/***
http:// gwbak.nickymaru[.]com/***
http:// irudhkunrlfu25fhkaqw34blr5qlby4tgq43t.orrisbirth[.]com/***

If you can’t access your personal homepage or the addresses are not working, complete the following steps:
1 Download TOR Browser –
2 Install TOR Browser
3 Open TOR Browser
4 Insert the following link in the address bar: k7tlx3ghr3m4n2tu.onion/***
5 Follow instructions on your screen !!!


Your personal homepages:
http:// vewrb.italisumo[.]at/***
http:// gwbak.nickymaru[.]com/***
http:// irudhkunrlfu25fhkaqw34blr5qlby4tgq43t.orrisbirth[.]com/***

Your personal page Tor-Browser k7tlx3ghr3m4n2tu.onion/***
Your personal identification ID: ***


Die verlinkte Internetseite zeigt eine Forderung in Höhe von 500 USD:



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Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht. Erforderliche Felder sind mit * markiert